PGIL DMCC, registered in Dubai with Dubai Multi Commodity Centre (DMCC) , an holding Company headquartered in Dubai , with aim to invests through its various subsidiaries across Middle East and Africa region in the field of Healthcare including diagnostic centers and other health care related services, renewable and sustainable water solutions.

- Extensive inter disciplinary know-how
- Competence, scale and Financial Strength
- Project execution and Risk management
- Qualified and professional resources

Focused on projects that create benefits for a larger number of stakeholders - from local communities to the entire nation

Symbols or pics used please use something better. Also instead of affordability use “Affordable”. And done use rupee as symbol use Dollar if u need to. Use this as a part of partnership

Projects that strengthen capacity of local developers, develop local capital markets, improve investor confidence and empower women

Our strategy is to be Risk-Aware, not Risk-Averse. Strategic approach that identifies and mitigates risks as early as possible.

- Choosing the right partners is key to the success of any business.
- Enhanced due diligence in identifying its professional partners.
- Technical and Strategic Partners with global footprint and execution capabilities
- Ensure greater operational efficiency and better risk management.
- Measured and tracked performance
- Key criteria and strategy for Patnerships:
- Scale
- Affordable
- Transformation
- Risk Management